I have been seeing things about cleansing oils here and there so I wanted to give this a try. I got this sample via mail through a Facebook offer.
Product Review: Without even researching what a cleansing oil is specifically for, and the benefits, my 1st thought was that it was a different form of face wash. I was half correct actually, and I used the sample wrong........ =( From what I have read online and seen in a couple people's Youtube channels, it's a 2 in 1 product. It's a makeup remover, and deep cleanser in 1. From my undersand of the multiple video's I watched, is that cleansing oil is better for you skin in terms of removing makeup. It deep cleanses in the pores, and removes excess dirts, oils, makeup even more than regular face wash. At first I assumed "but its an oil..... wouldn't it make my skin even more oily/greasy?" The cleansing oils are meant to also moisturize/soften the skin as it removes all the gunk. I'm still finding it wierd that oil can be cleansing, but it makes sense on the moisturizing part-this can benefit peopl with dry skin. '
There's actually a method on how to use cleansing oils. This brand, Shu Uemura had a official youtube video on how to use it. Click here to watch the video.
Step 1: Place 4 pumps of oil in dry hands (I thought 4 pumps is ALOT of product to use, mb you can get away wish useing 2 pumps, depends on how much makeup you have on)
Step 2: Smooth cleansing oil all over your DRY face, to remove face makeup, lipstick, and eye makeup. (This part confused me, when I tried the sample, I took my makeup off first with a makeup wipe, I then wet my face, AND used this)
Step 3: Wet face until the oil becomes a milky texture. (Le sigh* the oil did become a milky texture... since my face was wet already)
Step 4: Rinse thourghly with luke warm water, and pat dry.
After probing around Youtube, I found a couple useful video's about cleaning oils which I found pretty helpful. I also found a product review on different brands.
Video #1 - Using cleaning oil during HOT weather/hotter climates
Video #2 - Origins Clean Energy Cleansing Oil Review
Video #3 - DHC Deep Cleansing Oil Review
Video #4 - Josie Maran Argan Cleansing Oil
Overall: I did find my skin feeling soft after I washed my face, BUT I need to re-try this product again for a week next time, instead of just a 1 time use. I'll probably get to really nail the verdict then. Also I am hesitant to try this product again because these brands I have looked up are PRICEY. Everything is in the price range of $25 - $40, and I cannot justify purchasing a single face cleanser alone for that price. Usually if I purchase an expensive name brand, I ALWAYS try to purchase it when they come in sets-which is better bc usually there will be multiple products. If I ever come across an affordable cleansing oil, I will report back asap!
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