Hollyannaeree is one of my new favorite beauty Youtube channel's to watch. If you are a big makeup junkie like me, watch her channel. She does a lot of makeup haul's & tells you her pro's & con's, which is useful before you actually purchase a product. This particular video is about her hair, and she has goregous hair. She recently tried this new brand of shampoo called Clear. The first time I saw/heard about this brand was seeing a TV commercial with Heidi Klum. You can buy the product's at Target, Walmart, etc, at $4.99+ each, so it is very affordable. It's suppose to be better for your hair due to the ingredients like coconut oil, and nutrium 10. This brand is also suppose to be really good for your scalp and helps start healthy hair growth by nourishing the scalp. I'm very curious to try this shampoo. My hair has been lacking lately, and my scalp has been very dry & irritated this winter.
Has anyone tried this shampoo yet? Please let me know your thoughts!

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