One of my favorite places to shop is Francesca's Collections. There is a botiqu 5 minutes away from my work, so I can visit on my lunch break, which is a good AND bad thing. Most of their regular priced clothes & jewelry can be reasonable, but for me, it is out of my budget. What I really like about this store is that it is small, so it is not overwhelming like Forever21, and the decor is really cute. They ALWAYS have a clearance section for clothes AND jewelry, so I only check those sections. Once in awhile, it seems like every season they will have an amazing sale, where all of their cleareance clothes and jewelry is an additional half off of the red price. So half of this sweater, I got for $8something with tax! Amazing, I know. Usually I don't wear hot pink, but I wanted to spruce up my colors in my wardrobe. I will try to post the jewelry items I purchaed in another post, but I think I cut the tags off already.
AND it gets even better. Once inawhile Francesca's has a sale that is, an additional half off of red priced items, AND BOGO additional half off on top of the 1st half off... If that makes any sense, I know seems too good to be true, but they had one last December in winter, and it was AMAZING.
Goodnight! It's almost Friday. =o)
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